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MISSING RECORDS: Iris Travel is to be fined for failing to grant rest days and provide records. Contract drivers protested the suspension of their operating licenses
The long work hours are not connected with the crash, Chou added.
Prosecutors handling小額借錢 the case seized a camera from the crashed bus and expect its footage to reveal whether Kang’s shift at the time of the incident had lasted 小額借款台北more than 12 hours as sources claim, he said.
Additional reporting by CNA
By Sean Lin, Cheng Wei-chi, Jake Chung and William Hetherington / Staff 代書貸款設定費土地銀行貸款利率reporters, with staff writers
Kang’s shift constituted a breach of Article 36 of the act, which states that employers must grant workers at least one day off per week, Chiang said, adding that the travel agency faces a fine of between NT$台北民間二胎20,000 and NT$1 million (US$645 and US$32,258) for violating the rule.
However, after speaking with Yeow Lih, labor inspection personnel found that it had signed a deal to allow its drivers and buses, including Kang and the crashed bus, to join the carrier’s bus fleet, which would allow its drivers to earn more commission per tour, he said.
新聞來源:台北市借款TAIPEI TIMES
The loss of this option will leave them unable to support their families, they said, adding that they have monthly loan payments of about NT$44,000, while some others have to pay up to NT$80,000 for their bus loans.
Meanwhile, contract drivers working with Yeow Lih yesterday protested in front of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications building in Taipei over its suspension of operating licenses following Monday’s accident.
小額信貸10萬土地銀行勞工貸款土地借貸條件代辦貸款費用a代書貸款風險卡債協商專線>台中民間借貸小額借款台中土地貸款成數代書借款陷阱台中民間信貸小額借貸快速撥款a內政部青年首次購屋優惠房貸2017土地銀行勞工低利貸款>小額借貸銀行小額貸款率利試算表中國信託卡債協商支票借款是什麼台北代書借款大眾銀行信貸Separately yesterday, Iris Travel, Yeow Lih, the National Joint Association of Tourist Bu卡債處理ses and the Travel Agent Association held a joint press conference regarding the crash that claimed 33 lives.
After offering an apology, Iris Travel founder Chou Pi-tsang (周比蒼) said many drivers opted to work inst土地貸款利息中國信託小額信貸ead of taking days off, saying: “Men die for wealth, and birds for food.”小額貸款率利最低銀行
In response to queries that Kang had worked 14 consecutive days, Chou did not give a direct answer, but said double pay was given to employees who worked over the Lunar New Year period from Jan. 27 to Feb. 1.
The firm initially showed a lease it signed with Taoyuan-based Yeow Lih Transportation, giving the impression that Kang is Yeow Lih’s employee in an apparent attempt to shift responsibility, he said.
The office pieced together driver Kang Yu-hsun’s (康育薰) attendance records, part of which were missing, and determined that he had worked for at least 12 consecutive days prior to the accident, from Jan. 29 to Feb. 9, office director Chiang Ming-chih (江明志) said.
The drivers criticized the government for finding them guilty by association and protested the loss of their livelihood.
Drivers Chiu Chien-tseng (邱建增) and Tsao Su-ying (曹蘇英), both of whom own and operate tour buses, said they lack the capital 中古汽車貸款利率台中民間貸款needed to start their own businesses, so they purchased buses to work as contractors in line with government regulations.
Kang’s employee identification card, salary records and attendance records were also missing — infractions under Article 7, 23-2 and 30 of the act respectively — Chiang said.
代書貸款手續費The government should not punish innocent drivers as a response to the accident, they add支票借貸e公司如何跟銀行借錢代辦銀行貸款d中國信託信貸部.小額借款利息
The Taipei Labor Inspection Office yesterday released the results of its investigation into Monday’s deadly bus crash on the Chiang Wei-shui Memorial Freeway (Freeway No. 5), tying travel agency Iris Travel Service Co to four violations of the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法).
Iris Travel is to be fined between NT$20,000 and NT$300,000小額信貸代辦 for failing to provide Kang’s identification card and salary records, and between NT$90,000 and NT$450,000 for not having his attendance records, he said.
- 公教貸款華南銀行 (結婚基金借貸)多家銀行媒合
- 代書貸款風險 (整合負債會影響信用嗎)貸款程序技巧
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- 代書貸款安全嗎 (農會貸款程序)幫你計算最低利率
- 2017房貸利率最低的銀行比較 (債務協商會註記多久)貸款前必看的文章